Showing posts with label global warming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label global warming. Show all posts

Thursday 16 March 2023

Greta Adds to the List of Village Idiots

Over the 76 years I've lived on planet earth,  I can't count the times on which someone has claimed human life on earth is going to end or that the world will be destroyed.

There were mainly religious people who said the second coming was coming by a certain date. Then there was the group in contact with aliens who had told them the world would end but they would be saved as their friends the aliens would transport them into the heavens. Then there is Greta Thunberg, the wonderchild who is both a climate expert and a hopeful dismantler of the capitalist, free-enterprise system of which she probably knows fuck all.

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg has deleted a 2018 tweet in which she shared a warning that climate change “will wipe out all of humanity” unless fossil fuels were abolished by 2023. 
In the tweet, Thunberg quoted a “top climate scientist” as saying that “climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.”
It is unclear when the self-described “autistic climate justice activist” deleted the tweet, but its removal was first noticed by US conservative pundit Jack Posobiec on Saturday. The website her tweet linked to no longer exists.
Thunberg herself did not reply to Posobiec, and a host of right-wing commentators chimed in to remind her that the world, in fact, still exists.
“Greta Thunberg deleted this tweet because it exposes her for being a fraud,” US conservative activist Brigitte Gabriel tweeted“Make sure the entire world sees it.”
It reminds me of Australia's Chief Scientist, Tim Flannery who claimed a decade ago that there would be no further rainfall in Australia due to global warming. 
There is a rich harvest of doom and gloom predictions in relation to global warming that has never eventuated.
I can excuse a young woman with apparent mental challenges making such a statement, but a so-called scientist. FFS.

Sunday 3 April 2022

Goodbye Net Zero?


The more I read about the deteriorating energy situation in the UK and Europe due to an over-reliance on so-called renewable, green energy - wind and solar, I'm beginning to see the end of Net Zero.

Since leaving full-time work in 2012 and retiring (Goodness me, is it really a decade?) I've had time to read extensively about global warming (now climate change), renewable energy, and associated topics.

My opinion, following that reading, is that global warming has been so low, it's negligible. Carbon dioxide is more benefit to the planet and humans than stated and there is no link between temperature and C02.

Additionally, evidence is that we are heading for a cooling period (climate is cyclical, not linear) and more people die from hypothermia than hyperthermia. Remember Texas? Something around 700 people died during 2020-21 due to power failures and lack of warmth although there were debates about actual numbers. Even one unnecessary death is too much.

Claims by alarmists since the 70s of life-ending, world-destroying heating events have not eventuated, not on even one occasion.

Now, as a result of government decisions based on dodgy scientific advice, billions of pounds have been wasted on wind turbines and decommissioning of coal-fired power stations. The UK imports billions of pounds worth of gas from Russia and elsewhere so that it can avoid gas fracturing at home.

Most of the components of wind turbines are manufactured in China which has an open-slather agreement when it comes to C02 emissions. Strange that. We simply move our emissions to somewhere else so we can claim to be "green".

The public is beginning to become aware of the vast cost to their countries to implement an unnecessary, unhelpful Net Zero by 2050 policy and a fight back has begun.

The war in Ukraine has also helped people reconsider their energy needs and futures.

Goodbye Net Zero!


"Follow your own dogma, not that of others. Live your own life, your own way."

Thursday 6 January 2022

Dr Roy Spencer's Global Warming Graph


Dr Roy Warren Spencer is a meteorologist, a principal research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, and the U.S. Science Team leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer on NASA's Aqua satellite. He has served as senior scientist for climate studies at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. He is known for his satellite-based temperature monitoring work, for which he was awarded the American Meteorological Society's Special Award. (Source: Wikipedia)

Every month Dr Spencer issues an update to the graph at left that shows how the global lower atmosphere temperatures are changing. You can see the original here.

You don't have to be a climate scientist to understand the graph, the figures speak for themselves.


Saturday 20 November 2021

Malcolm Roberts Debates with a Moron

Few people are brave enough to debate Malcolm Roberts or numerous other genuine scientists about climate change because deep down, many who outwardly support the mainstream media and political agenda narrative, know that it's essentially bullshit.

In this short debate, Malcolm Roberts, a mining engineer who has done extensive research into the IPCC global warming agenda, demolishes some unknown fellow called Mark who talks a lot of disjointed "facts" without any real data.

There are hundreds of scientists and gifted amateurs who challenge the global narrative of extinction, alarmism, and the idea that somehow wind turbines and solar will ever provide sufficient energy to live decent lives. Unfortunately, those people have been banned from the discussion because those with vested interests - follow the money - don't want the truth to come out.

As a result, the misinformed public largely remains misinformed and believes there is a climate emergency.

We owe it to ourselves and the good of our societies and countries to ensure we are properly informed as billions of our taxes are being squandered needlessly.


Wednesday 17 February 2021

Increasing wokeness leads to new jobs

When I saw this advertisement on a social media screen, I wondered what in hell a diversity and inclusion specialist does.

I have a background in human resources management and when I was working, we had the politically correct "equal opportunity", "inclusion" and other progressive woke-words thrust upon us.

Where I worked, for the Australian Government, it meant bending over backwards to find Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees, but we usually ended up with Caucasian/Aborigines, many of whom had had a "white" upbringing and weren't by any measures disadvantaged. The truth was, most of the real disadvantaged people had limited education and weren't work ready.

But we had targets and targets have to be met.

The real black people were said to be disadvantaged. Billions of dollars annually were spent trying to "close the gap", but after many decades, differences still exist. To close the gap, the people for whom the term is used need to do something to help themselves, but few did, despite the cornucopia of opportunities available to them.

Most of the "indigenous" taking up the opportunities to this day are "white Aborigines". Want someone to pay for your university course - call on the Australian Government. 

So, when British Aerospace Engineering Systems hires its Diversity and Inclusion specialist, what will they do?

Will they spend their time making sure they have a blend of Alphabet people in as many of their business units as possible? Will the concept of the best person for the job be eroded by, "Oh, we need a Sudanese moslem in that position."

All I can say is thank goodness I've done my 51 years of work and I don't have to put up with this bullshit anymore.


Wednesday 11 March 2020

Global heating same as 5 Hiroshima atom bombs per second

How can you possibly take the UN and its International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) seriously when it's most senior members make such ludicrous claims?

We have 20 or 30 years of doom and gloom scenarios that have never eventuated from global warming fanatics.

Anyone who has done some serious research knows that the whole global warming deception has an agenda that has nothing to do with saving our beautiful planet.

The real agenda is dismantling the Western World, transferring billions in funding to failed states like the many in Africa, and eventually installing a One World Government run by - you guessed it - the UN.

While this all seems wonderful, the style of government being totalitarian socialist/communist, would mean giving up our freedoms, no democracy and doing what our masters dictated when, where and how.

There have been plenty of communist governments in the past and all have a penchant for killing off people who disapprove of their methods eg, Cambodia under PolPot. More recently, the Turkish Government under Erdogan imprisons journalists and dissenters and of course the United Soviet Socialist Republic of old was infamous for its gulags (concentration camps) and killing off millions of its non-compliant citizens. China is a modern-day example having placed thousands of its moslem citizens in detention camps for "reeducation". I'm no fan of moslems or Islam, but if it's moslems this week, next week it could be catholics, or whites, or anyone else who is deemed unsuitable.

Any government that imprisons people for free speech and kills off its citizens isn't a government I want to live under. Do you?

It's not only their alternative agenda, which you can read about here and here, but there are also other agreements such as the Lima Declaration. The latter is intended to kill off our industries to help other countries become wealthy.

Believe it or not, our politicians have bound Australia to both Agenda 2030 and the Lima Declaration. Neither is in our interest nor were we asked if we wanted to sign up for the destruction of our country.

On a different matter and getting back to the moron whose photo is above, here is Dr Roy Spencer's teams February, 2020 update of the gradual warming that has occurred since 1979.

It's gone UP 0.76 degrees C in that time and will probably drop with the current solar minimum 25 which is cooling our planet.

Don't take my word for any of this, get off your arse, stop searching Tinder and do your own research.

Sunday 8 December 2019

Australian Bush Fires Play into Hands of Climate Alarmists

Now that the term global warming has fallen into disrepute largely because global warming is slow low it's almost immeasurable, climate change has become the new save the world religion.

As even blind Freddy knows, climate is the average of weather, and weather, and thus climate, change from hour to hour, day to day, week to ... well, you get the idea. You've seen it change your whole life.

Nowadays, any time there is a weather event that looks like it might help the climate alarmists, they hop on board and make outrageous claims about how governments should have done more, or should fix the problem.

So, when the annual Australian fires began in November, climate alarmists, true to form started rabbiting on about how if only the government had stopped coal mining, brought us back to the Medieval age with no power, only candles, everything would have been better.

Then the Australian Institute of Criminology produced this interesting pie chart:

 According to the AIC, 48% of our fires are caused by humans and there is another 37% suspicious meaning they could also have been started intentionally. If the 37% were in fact lit by arsonists, that's 85% of fires caused by humans.

Every summer we have fires. Failure of backburning because of Green's policies implemented by Leftist local government bodies has meant there was a huge load of very dry, very combustible materials to ignite. And it did ignite for one reason or other.

Aided by wind created by (too many wind turbines - I'm joking yes), climate change, the fires have been particularly ruthless and fast to spread over wide areas.

To think that we humans can change the weather at this stage of our development is like thinking we can walk on water.
