Showing posts with label #thisboomeerslife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #thisboomeerslife. Show all posts

Saturday 22 August 2020

The Global Stupidity Crisis

It often seems that the world has gone mad. Or at least that we are going through a Global Stupidity Crisis.

Global stupidity example
Every day now I see something that makes me shake my head and think, "how much worse will it get?"

We live in an era when Leftists, Technocrats and others yet to be named are trying their damndest to destroy society as we know it.

We're now told there are literally dozens of genders, not the two identified by human biology. We don't know whether our animal friends feel the same eg, does a cow wake up one morning and think, "I feel like a bull in cow's clothing"? Probably not.

Animals aren't that stupid. Only humans can use their superior intellect to arrive at such conclusions.

We are told our communication and language has to change. Before talking to someone, we should ask them how they would like us to identify them. Will we refer to them as he, she, it, or fuck knows what else?

Movements like Black Lives Matter has been overtaken by Marxists trying to disrupt the capitalist, free enterprise system and install totalitarian socialism, pushing the United Nations One World Agenda.

Statues of historical figures are now obscene and need to be pulled down so that we can hide our history, good or bad. If we can't see reminders of it, it won't offend us.

White privilege?
Being Caucasian (white) is now offensive and in the US people, either afraid or low in intellect acknowledge white supremacy that doesn't exist while blacks and part-blacks (presumably part white), demand white people give up their houses and property for the poor black underdogs of society.

No mention of the many white people who are poor and disadvantaged for reasons mostly to do with their own lack of ambition or willingness to educate themselves. Or those of us who got off our arses and worked in full-time jobs while studying of an evening to get ahead.

If you're a heterosexual, you can't play the part of a homosexual in movies - it's some sort of appropriation. Tom Cruise at 5' 7" won't be able to play Jack Reacher who was apparently much taller. We can't have people pretending to be anything other than duplicates of what they are. For fucks sake.

In everything we do, we have to ensure diversity and inclusion prevail, even if it means hiring underperformers, provided their diversity is sufficient to ensure organisations meet diversity targets.

Yes, it's a crazy world we live in and it seems to be getting crazier by the week.

Fortunately, I'll be gone sometime within the next 20 years so I hopefully won't see the very worst of it, or will be too drugged up in palliative care to give a rat's arse what's happening.

For those of you who are young enough to expect to be around in 40 or 50 years, I hope you can take control of the situation and return it to some form of normalcy.


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Sunday 8 December 2019

Australian Bush Fires Play into Hands of Climate Alarmists

Now that the term global warming has fallen into disrepute largely because global warming is slow low it's almost immeasurable, climate change has become the new save the world religion.

As even blind Freddy knows, climate is the average of weather, and weather, and thus climate, change from hour to hour, day to day, week to ... well, you get the idea. You've seen it change your whole life.

Nowadays, any time there is a weather event that looks like it might help the climate alarmists, they hop on board and make outrageous claims about how governments should have done more, or should fix the problem.

So, when the annual Australian fires began in November, climate alarmists, true to form started rabbiting on about how if only the government had stopped coal mining, brought us back to the Medieval age with no power, only candles, everything would have been better.

Then the Australian Institute of Criminology produced this interesting pie chart:

 According to the AIC, 48% of our fires are caused by humans and there is another 37% suspicious meaning they could also have been started intentionally. If the 37% were in fact lit by arsonists, that's 85% of fires caused by humans.

Every summer we have fires. Failure of backburning because of Green's policies implemented by Leftist local government bodies has meant there was a huge load of very dry, very combustible materials to ignite. And it did ignite for one reason or other.

Aided by wind created by (too many wind turbines - I'm joking yes), climate change, the fires have been particularly ruthless and fast to spread over wide areas.

To think that we humans can change the weather at this stage of our development is like thinking we can walk on water.
