Showing posts with label diversity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diversity. Show all posts

Wednesday 17 February 2021

Increasing wokeness leads to new jobs

When I saw this advertisement on a social media screen, I wondered what in hell a diversity and inclusion specialist does.

I have a background in human resources management and when I was working, we had the politically correct "equal opportunity", "inclusion" and other progressive woke-words thrust upon us.

Where I worked, for the Australian Government, it meant bending over backwards to find Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees, but we usually ended up with Caucasian/Aborigines, many of whom had had a "white" upbringing and weren't by any measures disadvantaged. The truth was, most of the real disadvantaged people had limited education and weren't work ready.

But we had targets and targets have to be met.

The real black people were said to be disadvantaged. Billions of dollars annually were spent trying to "close the gap", but after many decades, differences still exist. To close the gap, the people for whom the term is used need to do something to help themselves, but few did, despite the cornucopia of opportunities available to them.

Most of the "indigenous" taking up the opportunities to this day are "white Aborigines". Want someone to pay for your university course - call on the Australian Government. 

So, when British Aerospace Engineering Systems hires its Diversity and Inclusion specialist, what will they do?

Will they spend their time making sure they have a blend of Alphabet people in as many of their business units as possible? Will the concept of the best person for the job be eroded by, "Oh, we need a Sudanese moslem in that position."

All I can say is thank goodness I've done my 51 years of work and I don't have to put up with this bullshit anymore.
