Showing posts with label climate alarmism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label climate alarmism. Show all posts

Tuesday 2 August 2022

Coming to Australia - A National Energy Disaster


Despite what is happening in Europe, the US and the UK, the Australian Government and Leftwing media refuse to acknowledge the reality of endeavouring to reach NetZero by any year, let alone a 43% reduction by 2030 which is the new fetish of the Labor Government.

The honest and genuine climate experts tell us there is no climate emergency, that any global warming that has occurred is so insignificant to make no difference, that C02 doesn't affect climate, and that renewables are not capable of providing sufficient energy for a civilised society to run safely and efficiently.

History also tells us that many more people die from hypothermia than hyperthermia. 

This article detailing the challenges being faced in Europe should be a harbinger of importance for the Australian Government, the not-so-independent Teals, and any fools who voted for them because they think we're all going to be dead in 12 years because of the climate.

Australia, we are told, emits less than 2% C02, so the 43% reduction of C02, a non harmful gas essential to all life, will be a total waste of time and destroy our economy as the climate alarmist morons tell us not to eat meat, to stop using fertiliser, coal, gas, and diesel and petrol vehicles.

It's a certain recipe for a national energy disaster.


Monday 11 April 2022

Can Australia - or any other country afford NetZero?

The almost feverish hatred of coal and closure of hundreds of coal-fired power stations across woke nations of the world before we had something to replace them with will go down in history as one of the most stupid things we've ever done. Especially given our current level of scientific knowledge and advanced ability in technology.

Replacing something that works inexpensively and efficiently with something that is expensive and inefficient shouldn't make sense to anyone.

But governments throughout the Western World have bowed to the woke progressives who have pushed an alarmist global warming agenda that demands we rid the world of excess C02, that gas that is 0.04% in the atmosphere and needed by every living thing on Earth. We need it and vegetation to create the air we breathe.

Some people are beginning to wake up to the fact that not only is NetZero unachievable, but it will also create massive use of limited funds that could be spent more wisely; solving hunger, homelessness, poverty, ill health, and bringing billions of people up to a decent standard of living to name just a few.

Six weeks out from an election, Australians must decide between two bad choices for a party to run our country for the next three years. Both parties subscribe to the UN's IPCC nonsense of killing off reliable energy to be replaced with ugly, inefficient, and highly expensive wind turbines and solar panels with limited benefits.

Most of the products that go into the above two solutions create millions of tonnes of C02 and other gases and pollutants, cause bird deaths, make beautiful hills look horrible, and take up much more space than a High Efficiency Low Emission coal-fired power station. They're also full of components manufactured or mined by slave labour or children in third-world countries.

Now, this video estimates the costs we'll face to kill off our reliable energy and replace it with a dud.

You can watch it here.

What will the high school students in 50 year's time say about us when they study modern history?


Related article: here.

Sunday 3 April 2022

Goodbye Net Zero?


The more I read about the deteriorating energy situation in the UK and Europe due to an over-reliance on so-called renewable, green energy - wind and solar, I'm beginning to see the end of Net Zero.

Since leaving full-time work in 2012 and retiring (Goodness me, is it really a decade?) I've had time to read extensively about global warming (now climate change), renewable energy, and associated topics.

My opinion, following that reading, is that global warming has been so low, it's negligible. Carbon dioxide is more benefit to the planet and humans than stated and there is no link between temperature and C02.

Additionally, evidence is that we are heading for a cooling period (climate is cyclical, not linear) and more people die from hypothermia than hyperthermia. Remember Texas? Something around 700 people died during 2020-21 due to power failures and lack of warmth although there were debates about actual numbers. Even one unnecessary death is too much.

Claims by alarmists since the 70s of life-ending, world-destroying heating events have not eventuated, not on even one occasion.

Now, as a result of government decisions based on dodgy scientific advice, billions of pounds have been wasted on wind turbines and decommissioning of coal-fired power stations. The UK imports billions of pounds worth of gas from Russia and elsewhere so that it can avoid gas fracturing at home.

Most of the components of wind turbines are manufactured in China which has an open-slather agreement when it comes to C02 emissions. Strange that. We simply move our emissions to somewhere else so we can claim to be "green".

The public is beginning to become aware of the vast cost to their countries to implement an unnecessary, unhelpful Net Zero by 2050 policy and a fight back has begun.

The war in Ukraine has also helped people reconsider their energy needs and futures.

Goodbye Net Zero!


"Follow your own dogma, not that of others. Live your own life, your own way."

Saturday 16 October 2021

How the Federal Government will kill Australia

As anyone who reads more than the local media and who doesn't believe everything fed to them by organisations like the UN knows, global warming and C02 being labelled as an enemy is absolute bullshit.

The whole hoax is intended to collapse Western, free enterprise democracies and transfer billions to Africa and other dysfunctional countries to supposedly level the playing field.

As a result of the hoax that has been perpetrated for decades, countries have been convinced that fossil fuels are killing the planet and we'll all be dead within a decade or sooner. This has brought to us an unhealthy obsession with solar and wind energy, that although marketed as "renewable" is far from it. It would be best called intermittent or unreliable.

The link below provides details of the damage that will be done to Australia if our piss-poor governments succumb to the fantasy that by reducing C02, we can hold temperature increases to 1.5 degrees C. 

There is no evidence that climate is linear, it's cyclical and at present, we are approaching a cooling cycle. There is no evidence that C02 causes atmospheric warming or cooling. But you have to dig deep among the real climate scientists whose work is deplatformed, defamed and ridiculed to find that out.

Take a read and you'll see what future Australia is likely to have if we go for Netzero.


Saturday 26 June 2021

OMG - The Great Reset and the Re-engineered Human

The ideas being sprouked by the Rabid Left should be a warning to anyone with half a brain and at least a modicum of analytical, critical thinking skills.

I don't need to say anything more other than, please do look at the 20 minute video by the Ice Age Farmer and work with as many other people as you can to prevent the nonsense being implemented.

Humanity is at a significant crossroads and if an extinction event occurs, it won't have anything to do with global warming or C02 (other than the abolition of the latter).


Monday 24 May 2021

It's all steam but no mirrors

Steam from heat exchange units

As the Greens and Labor go all out to close down every coal-fired and gas-fired energy plant in Australia and return us to the dark ages, voters who think, read and analyze know that C02 isn't a dangerous gas and that we aren't all going to die from global warming next year, or perhaps any year thereafter.

Until we find out how to draw electricity from the magnetosphere or somewhere else at no cost, we need coal, gas and nuclear. 

We can't run First World countries on intermittent wind and sunshine. The Chinese and many others realised that long ago when the first global warming hoax hit the news.

Countries like Germany and the US state of Texas are beginning to realise that so-called renewables are not up to the job of providing 24/7/365 baseload. Snow, hail, rain and low wind speeds see to that. As they say, it's not rocket science. It is climate science.

Those scientists who aren't funded or employed by those pushing the climate emergency are quite vocal in stating that there is no climate emergency, the planet is cooling, was never excessively warming, and that climate is cyclical, not linear.

Governments are spending trillions on resolving a problem that doesn't exist. 

Greens, environmentalists and climate alarmists always show photos of installations like the above with steam coming from heat exchange units. Steam is about 90% of atmospheric gases. They infer to the unwary that C02 is being emitted when it isn't.

Students of history in 100 years will fall over laughing at our generations and our penchant for stupidity.

Fight against this stupidity next time you elect politicians.
