Showing posts with label unreliable renewables. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unreliable renewables. Show all posts

Wednesday 13 October 2021

How to Disable Western Countries - the Great UN Plot

You've heard the term, "Chickens have come home to roost." Well, it's happening in Europe, the UK and elsewhere as I type.

The UN's Agenda 2030 and Lima Agreement are having some success in the Western free enterprise, democratic systems.

Youths have been educated to believe the UN's policies are beneficial to them and the planet. They now believe there are none or dozens of genders and that they can choose their gender.

Children are being indoctrinated to believe that C02 is a dangerous gas and that climate change due to that and global warming will lead to extinction of the human race in 12 years. 

Some young adults have decided not to have children. Others don't want to eat meat because of the methane cattle exude.

Humanity is in a mess brought about by Leftist progressive nonsense.

Now the chickens are beginning to come home to roost as the following items indicate.

1) Europe asking Russia for more coal to survive winter energy crunch

Bloomberg, 30 September 2021
2) Britain's energy sector in meltdown as leading energy supplier faces collapse
The Guardian, 30 September 2021

3) Renewable energy output drops almost a third
Financial Times, 29 September 2021
4) China braces for a chilly winter as its home-grown energy crisis intensifies
The Sydney Morning Herald, 30 September 2021
5) Gavin Mortimer: Boris should beware his Red Wall doesn't become a Yellow Vest
The Daily Telegraph, 30 September 2021
6) Kate Andrews: Britain’s weak energy security puts net zero in doubt
The Daily Telegraph, 29 April 2021
7) And finally: Will Net Zero bring down Joe Biden?
The Wall Street Journal, 29 September 2021


Monday 24 May 2021

It's all steam but no mirrors

Steam from heat exchange units

As the Greens and Labor go all out to close down every coal-fired and gas-fired energy plant in Australia and return us to the dark ages, voters who think, read and analyze know that C02 isn't a dangerous gas and that we aren't all going to die from global warming next year, or perhaps any year thereafter.

Until we find out how to draw electricity from the magnetosphere or somewhere else at no cost, we need coal, gas and nuclear. 

We can't run First World countries on intermittent wind and sunshine. The Chinese and many others realised that long ago when the first global warming hoax hit the news.

Countries like Germany and the US state of Texas are beginning to realise that so-called renewables are not up to the job of providing 24/7/365 baseload. Snow, hail, rain and low wind speeds see to that. As they say, it's not rocket science. It is climate science.

Those scientists who aren't funded or employed by those pushing the climate emergency are quite vocal in stating that there is no climate emergency, the planet is cooling, was never excessively warming, and that climate is cyclical, not linear.

Governments are spending trillions on resolving a problem that doesn't exist. 

Greens, environmentalists and climate alarmists always show photos of installations like the above with steam coming from heat exchange units. Steam is about 90% of atmospheric gases. They infer to the unwary that C02 is being emitted when it isn't.

Students of history in 100 years will fall over laughing at our generations and our penchant for stupidity.

Fight against this stupidity next time you elect politicians.
