Sunday 4 July 2021

The Suppression of Free Speech Crisis

The suppression of free speech by woke organisations and the rabid Left is a concern that all of us who value freedom and democracy must address.

It's bad enough when opinions by the general public are deleted, supressed, or howled down. It's worse when reputable scientists and subject-matter experts have their accounts deleted or are threatened with violence, intimidation, or dismissal from their employment.

There are numerous cases of academics, such as Dr Peter Ridd, formerly of James Cook University in North Queensland being dismissed because his scientific opinion didn't fit a carefully designed global warming alarmist narrative. (HREF1)

Others, such as the most recently "deleted" account from no other than LinkedIn of Dr Robert Malone, who invented mRNA vaccine technology (HREF2). He apparently made comments not liked by Microsoft that owns LinkedIn.

It's alarming that if one doesn't follow the Mainstream Media (MSM) view of reality and that of the UN and its cohort, the IPCC, or the communist Left then one is considered a lier, denier or a person whose opinion or expertise is inappropriate.

A better approach by all the climate alarmists and believers in curtailing free speech should be to advise readers that the organisation doesn't agree with the stated opinions of the author. That way, we, the educated public could decide which version we believe.

This suppression of free speech should be a danger signal to everyone who supports democracy and freedom. The alternative is totalitarian dictatorship where groupthink and groupspeech must conform to a specific narrative.


Tuesday 29 June 2021

Californians think they pay for expensive electricity

As Western countries destroy their energy grids to satisfy the UN's socio-political policies, most of us complain about the rising cost of energy. Costs necessary for governments to subsidise unreliable, so-called renewable energy.

Without subsidies, nothing happens.

In South Australia, where we have killed off baseload power stations and achieved the only ever whole of state blackout (greenout?) in Australia's history, we pay more than most other people for each kilowatt hour we use.

From 1 July our charges are actually decreasing probably to give us the delusion that solar and wind and our huge battery, are providing us with clean, green energy.

Meanwhile, in California, people are whining about paying 18.5 cents per kWh, a tad more when converted to Australian cents. Still well below what we pay.

"In 2020, California’s electricity prices jumped by 7.5%, making it the biggest price increase of any state in the country last year and nearly seven times the increase that was seen in the United States as a whole. According to data from the Energy Information Administration, the all-sector price of electricity in California last year jumped to 18.15 cents per kilowatt-hour, which means that Californians are now paying about 70% more for their electricity than the U.S. average all-sector rate of 10.66 cents per kWh. Even more worrisome: California’s electricity rates are expected to soar over the next decade." (HREF)

This might be part of the reason why hundreds of thousands of people per year (2020) and 5.4 companies per week are leaving California. Only the wealthy can live in California. 

South Australia's price decrease from Origin Energy, one of our many power suppliers is as follows:

At least our Federal Government is now beginning to talk nuclear energy after decades of nuclear being outlawed.

While this debate goes on, China and India and many other countries steam ahead building High Energy Low Emission (HELE) coal, gas and nuclear energy installations.

Students of Modern History in the future will fall over laughing at how increadibly stupid we were in this era.


Saturday 26 June 2021

OMG - The Great Reset and the Re-engineered Human

The ideas being sprouked by the Rabid Left should be a warning to anyone with half a brain and at least a modicum of analytical, critical thinking skills.

I don't need to say anything more other than, please do look at the 20 minute video by the Ice Age Farmer and work with as many other people as you can to prevent the nonsense being implemented.

Humanity is at a significant crossroads and if an extinction event occurs, it won't have anything to do with global warming or C02 (other than the abolition of the latter).


Sunday 13 June 2021

What is the purpose of life?

I sit watching magpies land in my yard to eat the cat food I place for them. Mothers show new fledglings how to pick up a piece of cat food in their beaks instead of having to do it for them. Older, more mature birds take a small amount and leave the rest - they don't pig out on everything available, they leave something for later. Unlike many human beings.

Apart from them being our fellow creatures who inhabit this small, blue ball that rotates day in and day out so the sun can keep us warm and sustain life, why are they here? What good do they do for me, you, the planet?

The creatures we eat, fish, pigs, sheep, cattle, all provide a food source for us. Protein to go. We don't eat magpies or most other birds, so why are they here if their purpose is not to provide a food source?

It all comes down to understanding the purpose of life. It's a question philosophers, hotel goers, children, scientists, the curious, teachers and others have been asking ever since we became conscious enough to ask it.

When you see a magpie fighting with a reflection of itself in your car mirror, you realise that it has no sense of self. Cats and dogs have been seen to do the same - with mirrors, not on cars!

You and I have a sense of self. We look in the mirror and we know it's us. Our consciousness is more advanced than that of our fellow travellers.

We may be more conscious, but we still don't know what the purpose of life is - any life.

Does it matter that we don't know? Probably not. Whether you know our purpose, we have an opportunity to create the purpose we want. Free will. If we had a purpose thrust upon us, we wouldn't have free will.

Imagine: "Your mission, if you accept it, is to be taxi driver and during your lifetime rape and murder at least four young, beautiful women whose purpose in life it is to be raped and murdered. After that, as a result of your actions you will spend 40 years in prison and die an ugly, painful death from cancer of the pancreas. Now, hop to it."

What would you do? Would you kill yourself immediately, or live the life you have been intended to live?

I don't know what I'd do, probably kill myself.

There are some things that we are either not intended to know, or that are simply unknowable to us. Our purpose in life is obviously one of them.

I agree with Donald Broadribb's statement above.

Get on with your life and accept that you may never know if it had a purpose other than what you provided it.
