Tuesday 29 June 2021

Californians think they pay for expensive electricity

As Western countries destroy their energy grids to satisfy the UN's socio-political policies, most of us complain about the rising cost of energy. Costs necessary for governments to subsidise unreliable, so-called renewable energy.

Without subsidies, nothing happens.

In South Australia, where we have killed off baseload power stations and achieved the only ever whole of state blackout (greenout?) in Australia's history, we pay more than most other people for each kilowatt hour we use.

From 1 July our charges are actually decreasing probably to give us the delusion that solar and wind and our huge battery, are providing us with clean, green energy.

Meanwhile, in California, people are whining about paying 18.5 cents per kWh, a tad more when converted to Australian cents. Still well below what we pay.

"In 2020, California’s electricity prices jumped by 7.5%, making it the biggest price increase of any state in the country last year and nearly seven times the increase that was seen in the United States as a whole. According to data from the Energy Information Administration, the all-sector price of electricity in California last year jumped to 18.15 cents per kilowatt-hour, which means that Californians are now paying about 70% more for their electricity than the U.S. average all-sector rate of 10.66 cents per kWh. Even more worrisome: California’s electricity rates are expected to soar over the next decade." (HREF)

This might be part of the reason why hundreds of thousands of people per year (2020) and 5.4 companies per week are leaving California. Only the wealthy can live in California. 

South Australia's price decrease from Origin Energy, one of our many power suppliers is as follows:

At least our Federal Government is now beginning to talk nuclear energy after decades of nuclear being outlawed.

While this debate goes on, China and India and many other countries steam ahead building High Energy Low Emission (HELE) coal, gas and nuclear energy installations.

Students of Modern History in the future will fall over laughing at how increadibly stupid we were in this era.


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