Showing posts with label suppression of free speech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label suppression of free speech. Show all posts

Sunday 4 July 2021

The Suppression of Free Speech Crisis

The suppression of free speech by woke organisations and the rabid Left is a concern that all of us who value freedom and democracy must address.

It's bad enough when opinions by the general public are deleted, supressed, or howled down. It's worse when reputable scientists and subject-matter experts have their accounts deleted or are threatened with violence, intimidation, or dismissal from their employment.

There are numerous cases of academics, such as Dr Peter Ridd, formerly of James Cook University in North Queensland being dismissed because his scientific opinion didn't fit a carefully designed global warming alarmist narrative. (HREF1)

Others, such as the most recently "deleted" account from no other than LinkedIn of Dr Robert Malone, who invented mRNA vaccine technology (HREF2). He apparently made comments not liked by Microsoft that owns LinkedIn.

It's alarming that if one doesn't follow the Mainstream Media (MSM) view of reality and that of the UN and its cohort, the IPCC, or the communist Left then one is considered a lier, denier or a person whose opinion or expertise is inappropriate.

A better approach by all the climate alarmists and believers in curtailing free speech should be to advise readers that the organisation doesn't agree with the stated opinions of the author. That way, we, the educated public could decide which version we believe.

This suppression of free speech should be a danger signal to everyone who supports democracy and freedom. The alternative is totalitarian dictatorship where groupthink and groupspeech must conform to a specific narrative.
