Sunday, 13 June 2021

What is the purpose of life?

I sit watching magpies land in my yard to eat the cat food I place for them. Mothers show new fledglings how to pick up a piece of cat food in their beaks instead of having to do it for them. Older, more mature birds take a small amount and leave the rest - they don't pig out on everything available, they leave something for later. Unlike many human beings.

Apart from them being our fellow creatures who inhabit this small, blue ball that rotates day in and day out so the sun can keep us warm and sustain life, why are they here? What good do they do for me, you, the planet?

The creatures we eat, fish, pigs, sheep, cattle, all provide a food source for us. Protein to go. We don't eat magpies or most other birds, so why are they here if their purpose is not to provide a food source?

It all comes down to understanding the purpose of life. It's a question philosophers, hotel goers, children, scientists, the curious, teachers and others have been asking ever since we became conscious enough to ask it.

When you see a magpie fighting with a reflection of itself in your car mirror, you realise that it has no sense of self. Cats and dogs have been seen to do the same - with mirrors, not on cars!

You and I have a sense of self. We look in the mirror and we know it's us. Our consciousness is more advanced than that of our fellow travellers.

We may be more conscious, but we still don't know what the purpose of life is - any life.

Does it matter that we don't know? Probably not. Whether you know our purpose, we have an opportunity to create the purpose we want. Free will. If we had a purpose thrust upon us, we wouldn't have free will.

Imagine: "Your mission, if you accept it, is to be taxi driver and during your lifetime rape and murder at least four young, beautiful women whose purpose in life it is to be raped and murdered. After that, as a result of your actions you will spend 40 years in prison and die an ugly, painful death from cancer of the pancreas. Now, hop to it."

What would you do? Would you kill yourself immediately, or live the life you have been intended to live?

I don't know what I'd do, probably kill myself.

There are some things that we are either not intended to know, or that are simply unknowable to us. Our purpose in life is obviously one of them.

I agree with Donald Broadribb's statement above.

Get on with your life and accept that you may never know if it had a purpose other than what you provided it.


Friday, 28 May 2021

Israel is always the offender - Hamas always the victim

I read it but I didn't believe it - for at least four or five seconds. Here's the beginning paragraphs:

The United Nations rights chief has called on Israel to allow an independent probe of military actions – saying their Israeli forces may have committed war crimes during the 11-day conflict with Hamas. During a Human Rights Council session, High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet said “air strikes in such densely populated areas resulted in a high level of civilian fatalities and injuries as well as the widespread destructions of civilian infrastructure. Such strikes raise serious concerns of Israel’s compliance with the principles of distinction and proportionality under international humanitarian law.” 

Hamas, the Islamist terrorist organisation stocks up on Iranian rockets and when it thinks it has enough to make a difference, fires them at Israel. It doesn't give a shit where they land or who they kill.

Hamas wants to kill all Jews. Their Covenant is here and it says so.

Thankfully, Israel is light years ahead of Hamas and has an Iron Dome system designed to shoot rockets out of the air before they land. Most are wiped out, but some still get through.
Not aimed at military targets, they fall into the streets and fields of Israel, most of whose people are secure in bomb shelters. 

Hamas intentionally fires at Israel from schools, shopping centres and places where civilians are. It knows that Israeli Defence Forces will return fire to the place where the rocket came from in order to destroy the installation. This results in numerous deaths that Hamas uses as leverage to claim that Israel intentionally kills civilians.

Anyone with half a brain can see through this rort, but the UN still takes sides with Hamas and intends to investigate Israel for war crimes. 

The UN needs to be disbanded like its useless predecessor, the League of Nations.


PS: I stand with Israel and its right to defend itself from Islamist agression

Monday, 24 May 2021

It's all steam but no mirrors

Steam from heat exchange units

As the Greens and Labor go all out to close down every coal-fired and gas-fired energy plant in Australia and return us to the dark ages, voters who think, read and analyze know that C02 isn't a dangerous gas and that we aren't all going to die from global warming next year, or perhaps any year thereafter.

Until we find out how to draw electricity from the magnetosphere or somewhere else at no cost, we need coal, gas and nuclear. 

We can't run First World countries on intermittent wind and sunshine. The Chinese and many others realised that long ago when the first global warming hoax hit the news.

Countries like Germany and the US state of Texas are beginning to realise that so-called renewables are not up to the job of providing 24/7/365 baseload. Snow, hail, rain and low wind speeds see to that. As they say, it's not rocket science. It is climate science.

Those scientists who aren't funded or employed by those pushing the climate emergency are quite vocal in stating that there is no climate emergency, the planet is cooling, was never excessively warming, and that climate is cyclical, not linear.

Governments are spending trillions on resolving a problem that doesn't exist. 

Greens, environmentalists and climate alarmists always show photos of installations like the above with steam coming from heat exchange units. Steam is about 90% of atmospheric gases. They infer to the unwary that C02 is being emitted when it isn't.

Students of history in 100 years will fall over laughing at our generations and our penchant for stupidity.

Fight against this stupidity next time you elect politicians.


Friday, 21 May 2021

Not Woke Enough for a Loan?


As the UN Agenda 2030 gains more traction, socialist-loving financial organisations are deciding who gets a loan based on how woke they are.

This article explains it very well.

Governments need to legislate to prevent this kind of collusion and bullying.

On the other hand, those banks and financial institutions that decide to assess a loan applicant's application based on sensible business facts rather than totalitarian socialist wokeness, could make a killing.

Where do you think this will end up?
