Showing posts with label United Nations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United Nations. Show all posts

Friday 28 May 2021

Israel is always the offender - Hamas always the victim

I read it but I didn't believe it - for at least four or five seconds. Here's the beginning paragraphs:

The United Nations rights chief has called on Israel to allow an independent probe of military actions – saying their Israeli forces may have committed war crimes during the 11-day conflict with Hamas. During a Human Rights Council session, High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet said “air strikes in such densely populated areas resulted in a high level of civilian fatalities and injuries as well as the widespread destructions of civilian infrastructure. Such strikes raise serious concerns of Israel’s compliance with the principles of distinction and proportionality under international humanitarian law.” 

Hamas, the Islamist terrorist organisation stocks up on Iranian rockets and when it thinks it has enough to make a difference, fires them at Israel. It doesn't give a shit where they land or who they kill.

Hamas wants to kill all Jews. Their Covenant is here and it says so.

Thankfully, Israel is light years ahead of Hamas and has an Iron Dome system designed to shoot rockets out of the air before they land. Most are wiped out, but some still get through.
Not aimed at military targets, they fall into the streets and fields of Israel, most of whose people are secure in bomb shelters. 

Hamas intentionally fires at Israel from schools, shopping centres and places where civilians are. It knows that Israeli Defence Forces will return fire to the place where the rocket came from in order to destroy the installation. This results in numerous deaths that Hamas uses as leverage to claim that Israel intentionally kills civilians.

Anyone with half a brain can see through this rort, but the UN still takes sides with Hamas and intends to investigate Israel for war crimes. 

The UN needs to be disbanded like its useless predecessor, the League of Nations.


PS: I stand with Israel and its right to defend itself from Islamist agression