Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Coming to Australia - A National Energy Disaster


Despite what is happening in Europe, the US and the UK, the Australian Government and Leftwing media refuse to acknowledge the reality of endeavouring to reach NetZero by any year, let alone a 43% reduction by 2030 which is the new fetish of the Labor Government.

The honest and genuine climate experts tell us there is no climate emergency, that any global warming that has occurred is so insignificant to make no difference, that C02 doesn't affect climate, and that renewables are not capable of providing sufficient energy for a civilised society to run safely and efficiently.

History also tells us that many more people die from hypothermia than hyperthermia. 

This article detailing the challenges being faced in Europe should be a harbinger of importance for the Australian Government, the not-so-independent Teals, and any fools who voted for them because they think we're all going to be dead in 12 years because of the climate.

Australia, we are told, emits less than 2% C02, so the 43% reduction of C02, a non harmful gas essential to all life, will be a total waste of time and destroy our economy as the climate alarmist morons tell us not to eat meat, to stop using fertiliser, coal, gas, and diesel and petrol vehicles.

It's a certain recipe for a national energy disaster.


Sunday, 17 July 2022

Businesses that miss out


Businesses that offer a set range of subscription payment options miss out on small users' business.

Let me explain.

Say you are the secretary of a small club who issues several newsletters or notices annually but not regularly. They are compiled and sent ad hoc.

Would you sign up for the $15 per month option when you aren't going to use it for most months? Yes, I know, it's only $15 US which isn't a lot. But why pay when you aren't using the service?

Why would you pay $180 annually to publish two or three newsletters?

If I was running this show, I'd have an irregular use subscription payment ie, pay per use. Even if it was $15 it would be less expensive than paying for months during which you aren't publishing.

The alternative would be to start and stop your account, but it wouldn't take long for the business providing the service to tell you to get lost.

What do you think? Would you like to see some of these companies provided user pay on demand options?


per ardua adastra


Monday, 11 July 2022

Are you part of the voiceless?

 "This voiceless group makes up nearly one-third of the people of Australia. Perhaps they educate their children in religious schools. Maybe they are unjabbed and remain Covid dissidents. I am guessing they value freedom and patriotism. Resent Woke corporatism. Feel that customer service no longer exists. Are ashamed of what is happening to our culture. Cheer on battlers and champion small businesses. Maybe unfurl an Aussie flag on Australia Day. Fear the coming digital surveillance state. Mourn what we have lost."


I've had four COVID 19 innoculations, but align well with the author's other suggestions. 

I served my country in the Air Force (RAAF) during the Vietnam Era and worked for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) for 15 years before it was abolished.

ATSIC was the primary body that provided indigenous Australians with a bottom-up voice to the Australian Public Service agencies providing it with a cornucopia of generous benefits not available to any other of the 97% of Australians.

ATSIC built hundreds of houses, created work programs through its Community Development and Employment Program (CDEP). It provided a variety of infrastructure and other benefits and even provided ultra-low interest mortgages for anyone who met their guidelines. (indigenous and able to repay).

ATSIC had Regional Councils of elected representatives across Australia who, at considerable expense to the taxpaying public created Regional Plans that were to direct funding to projects that communities prioritised.

In the end, like many other well-intentioned government programs, ATSIC failed.

Now there are other agencies, do-gooders and funded bodies intended to serve the interests of the 3.5% of people who are indigenous or of indigenous descent.

We have 10 current part-indigenous representatives in our Parliament who can speak for the others. We don't need to mess with our Constitution to provide a voice for indigenous Australians.

The Australian electorate will never fall for guaranteeing places for indigenous people in Parliament who are appointed on race and not ability and popular appeal.

It will never happen.


PS: Race-based programs run by Australian Governments should be abolished and replaced with programs that provide help to all Australians based on genuine need

Thursday, 7 July 2022

Everything depends on time and place


Time and Place are the most important aspects of our human existence.

Everything happens at a time in our lives and at a place.

We are born at a time and a place; we avoid traffic incidents that occur at times and places where we aren't. We get married - or divorced, find friends, celebrate birthdays and so on.

Last, we die at a time and place.

My wife and I were discussing our visit to the Culloden Battlefield near Inverness, Scotland. We revisited photos we had taken and it occurred to me that we had visited at the right time and place, in 2019 and not 1745.

According to records, the battle, which lasted only 40 minutes, resulted in bitter defeat for the heavily outnumbered Jacobites. Some 1,000 of the Young Pretender's army of 5,000 weak and starving Highlanders were killed by the 9,000 Redcoats, who lost only 50 men.

If we are at the right place at the right time, great things often happen. Conversely, if we are the the wrong place at the wrong time, the outcome can be disastrous or even deadly.

Have you ever been at the wrong time and place?
