Wednesday 26 February 2020

The Great Climate Emergency Hoax

When you hear alarmist nonsense about the extinction of all life on earth, women choosing not to bear children, nonsense about coal-powered power stations killing off the planet etc, you know it's time to look further.

I looked further and what did I find?

First I read a few books, the most enlightening by Dr Tim Ball titled, "The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science." Dr Ball provides direct evidence by a conspiracy of scientists and others to push the global warming, dangerous C02 agenda for reasons other than protecting our planet.

The United Nations International Panel on Climate Change and at least two universities in the United Kingdom, East Anglia and Reading, are implicit in the corruption.

It's part of a UN Agenda 2030 program that at first look appears to have numerous worthwhile aims and objectives, but look deeper and you can identify a global socialism aim with a One World Government.

It's all aimed at breaking down nationalism and diverting wealth from countries that work to countries that don't due to religious and tribal infighting. It's a cunning way to break down countries, open borders and implement a socialist world government.

Capitalism and democracy are far from perfect, but totalitarian socialism and communism aren't a solution unless we wish to forgo our rights and become slaves under wealthy masters who pull our strings.

Not for me thank you!

What everyone needs to do who support the climate change emergency hoax is research and think. Is this really what you want?

I'll leave you with this article as the first step in your research.

"The “climate emergency”, which we are told threatens the imminent collapse of civilisation and the extinction of humanity, is a dogma being enforced by a culturally totalitarian tyranny. Threatening the living standards of millions, permitting no challenge and wrecking the livelihoods and reputations of any who dares dissent, it has been created by a repudiation of science, humanity and reason: the very markers of modernity and the west. This is the real emergency. --Melanie Phillips, 21 February 2020

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