Showing posts with label Leftists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leftists. Show all posts

Thursday, 28 November 2019

I always get a laugh ... Leftist stupidity!

Every day I come across something that demonstrates to me just how incredibly stupid some of the so-called "progressives" are.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for progress, provided it is sensible, achievable and doesn't destroy Australian values and culture or adversely affect anyone else or any other country.

Here's the latest from the demented Left wing echo bubble:

According to this moron group, we can't possibly describe white sugar as what it is, "white sugar."

Why not? Because anything "white" is supremacist, racist and therefore unacceptable to very small minority groups like this one.

Is it okay to call brown sugar brown? Raw sugar raw? God knows.

Why call anything what it actually is? Perhaps we could call a car a "thing on wheels." A refrigerator, "a cool thingy."

Although I laugh when I initially read something this incredibly stupid, I do wonder whether these people could be doing something about poverty, homelessness, excessive immigration, honour killing, genital mutilation, or reducing the pollution of oceans with plastics. No, it's more important to attack sugar for being called white!

If you aren't dismayed at this stupidity, perhaps you are part of the problem.

What do you think?
