Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts

Wednesday 13 January 2021

Are the Scammers Stupid?


By now, I have at least a billion dollars of Bitcoin. By all accounts, I'm wealthier than most.

Well, I would be, if the daily email messages I receive telling me of the huge amounts of money that have been added to a Bitcoin account I don't have, were true. Damn! It would be nice to be a billionaire, even just for a day or two.

Obviously, someone thinks I'm silly enough to click on a link to check out a Bitcoin deposit in an account I don't have. 

Then of course there are the legions of messages from women (perhaps) inviting me to view their beautiful naked bodies if I just click here. Why would I do that? I see all the beautiful women I want on Tumblr and Instagram. Like Bianca at left from Instagram. Bianca doesn't only have a body many a woman would die for and most real men 

would like to "play" with, I've seen her face - it's very pretty too.

Bianca is simply perfect. Except that I have to water the plants, make dinner and watch the news, I could look at her all day.

When I go shopping or walking in my neighbourhood, I see equally beautiful women and although they are mostly - always - dressed, they still look gorgeous and remind me of how fortunate I am to be able to see all the beautiful things nature has provided for us.

Last, but not least are the morons who send us email or SMS messages (I block the latter) advising us we have a parcel to collect when we know we haven't ordered anything.

Could it be a present from a long lost relative? Or perhaps Microsoft has decided to give everyone a free watch? Or perhaps it's simply bullshit and it's not very hard to find the truth.

An email I received from Australia's national postal service, Australia Post had an email address as shown above: ""

Now, I'm not a rocket scientist, but in the 73 years I've lived in Australia, I've learned that Australia Post doesn't use If I know, you can bet your life most of the other 25 million Australians know too.

How stupid are these scammers?


PS: You can find the beautiful Bianca here.