Showing posts with label Australian Greens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australian Greens. Show all posts

Sunday 28 March 2021

Is the Greens Party a Party of Nutters?


According to a recent article in local news media, the Australian Greens Party wants people to vote Labor into power but give the Greens sufficient votes to inform Labor policy.

The Greens, in my opinion, is a party of nutters. It has consistently, for decades at least to my knowledge, run a platform of policies that are either un-Australian or inherently no good for Australia or Australians. Some items have been sheer madness.

Look at the graphic snatch above. What the hell are a jobs and income guarantee? Do they mean everyone will have a job with an income? Some form of communist dream perhaps. Who knows?

Then there is dental and mental health funded through Medicare. Perhaps not such a bad idea, since we already fund mental care. How many more billions would dental care cost our already under pressure health system? Do we need to do something to help ourselves like look after our own teeth, or should the government provide everything?

Free universities and TAFE. God knows how many billions this would cost. Will you be happy to have a massive increase in taxes to pay for free education?

I take it the 700 percent is a typo and really means 70 percent, even the Greens couldn't be stupid enough to expect a 700 percent of the nation's energy needs to come from renewables. Renewables are a pipe dream. While the sun and wind might renew themselves daily or periodically, the equipment used is far from renewable and is creating massive disposal problems once it becomes obsolescent or meets its end of life cycle.

We will always need coal, gas, nuclear or hydro to support wind and solar energy and all of those are much more efficient than wind and solar.

The sad truth is, we've been conned into thinking C02 is a killer gas and that the world is warming when it's not the case. No link has ever been discovered that proves that C02 impacts on climate. Similarly, the world is not heading to destruction because of global warming. The opposite is true.

The Sun controls most of the Earth's climate and it's now in Solar Minimum 25, the outcome of which is to cause our planet to cool. Here is the real earth temperature at present from the site of Dr Roy Spencer who doesn't have a vesed interest in telling untruths about temperature.

If you're one who believes the end of the world is coming soon because of global climate catastrophe, perhaps download a $10 copy of this title by Patrick Moore from Amazon Kindle - or buy a hardcopy.

Whatever you do, don't let yourself be conned by the Greens or anyone else. Don't even take my word for it, do your own research and come up with your own ideas.
