Wednesday 4 December 2019

A Gender Neutral Santa?

My mind boggles! What in the world would a gender-neutral Santa look like?

Will it be a Santa with no beard and face covered so you can't see if it's male or female? Maybe with a voice synthesizer so you can't hear whether the voice is soft and sweet like a woman (are we even allowed to use that word anymore?) and not husky and hard like a - you know, the other gender?

As the progressives amongst us try their hardest to get rid of gender or convince us that there are 92 different genders - or something like that, some of us are convinced there are still only two genders.

Maybe we're wrong. Maybe things aren't what they seem and gender is no longer binary. It's so long since I've seen up some young ladies dress, I really can't say that there hasn't been a vast evolutionary change in the last 10 years (yes, it's been a while). Maybe I'll need to ask my grandson to give me a rundown on what the current state of gender diversity is.

But, I'm getting off the mark - back to the GN Santa. I think I've got it. It, the GN Santa, would wear a neck to toe-nail smock, loose-fitting so no shape or bumps could be seen, and completely covered head, all in red and white of course. Only a post box slit would be visible for the eyes - much like the dress preferred by moslem women in many backward countries.

No perfume would be worn and the GN Santa would need to communicate via a whiteboard and pen - otherwise, the voice might be a giveaway.

It sounds like a bag of fun. I'm so glad that I'm no longer a Santa follower and that both my children and grandson are all adults and don't need to worry about visiting Santa either. 

If you come across a GN Santa, please take a photo and send it to me so I can see how accurate my guess description was. 

Stay sane.


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