Thursday 30 January 2020

Proof: People Get Smarter with Age

This is perfect evidence that people - most of us - get smarter with age.

On this graph on voting intention resulting from a survey in the last British General Election in late 2019, it clearly shows that the younger generations prefer a socialist government.

Socialism is a step away from communism-the state runs everything and provides everything in some kind of utopia where money is plentiful, everyone's needs are catered for and everyone lives happy ever after. Oh to be so lucky.

Unfortunately, socialism and communism lead to totalitarianism where freedoms diminish and democracy becomes a thing of the past. There is a long list of socialist/Marxist states that failed eg, Venezuala most recently.

Youths are accustomed to mum and dad looking after them and it takes a while for us as youths to realise that we've eventually got to look after ourselves and one day our parents will be gone and we'll be prime determinants of our own wealth and happiness.

In this graph, there is clear evidence that between 24 and 34 years, we are beginning to realise that a capitalist, free enterprise system is better than a command economy. As we get older, according to the graph, we're more inclined to support conservative democracy.

Voters in many Western countries have tried the socialist path and are more and more turning to stable, conservative governments as they see so-called progressive policies destroying their countries.

What do you think?

Tuesday 24 December 2019

Merry Christmas 2019

For all of you who celebrate Christmas, I wish you Merry Christmas and hope you have a wonderful festive season and of course an excellent New Year.

If you aren't Christian, it's still an excellent time to get together with friends, family and colleagues for meals, gift-giving, and general socialisation.

Stay safe and stay well.

Friday 20 December 2019

With all the bad news circulating these days: fires, impeachment, kids being misled about the end of the world by 2050, Sir David Attenborough being caught lying about walruses, volcano deaths in New Zealand etc, I thought I'd post something a little happier.

It's an item from the Spectator. You can read it here:

I hope it helps you feel happier about the state of our world. We're really not doing so bad at all.

We live in a place of magic and mystery that is truly splendid.

Thursday 19 December 2019

Shiraz Grapes and the Deep North

Shiraz grapes - Barossa Valley
While the little shiraz grapes were getting ready to produce another batch of that lovely, anti-oxidant filled red wine, I was heading north to Alice Springs along the Stuart Highway, a trip I've done hundreds, if not a thousand times. 

If you've never visited South Australia's north or the Northern Territory, it's probably of great interest to see the thousands of square kilometres of nothing. After a few times it becomes fairly ordinary and perhaps boring.

There are several landscape and vegetation changes and some large salt lakes that are interesting to see and knowing that you are driving through the Woomera Rocket Range prohibited area is probably a kick to some people, although one never sees any rockets, UFOs or anything else.

Here's some footage of the vast emptiness within and around the Woomera Rocket Range.

If nothing else, it's an excellent road and in the Territory the speed limit is 130km/hr if you are happy to burn up a shipload of fuel at $1.49 or $2.07 per Litre at Erldunda in the Territory.

This trip, the only kangaroos I saw were road-killed, but I did see a huge perentie lizard and half a dozen frilled neck lizards on the road which I managed to avoid. No emus, a few horses, some cattle, and dozens of cars with NT number plates heading south for Christmas.

Those heading south to their loved ones probably hoped they'd avoid the 43° Celsius heat of Central Australia only to find that temperatures in Adelaide and other southern towns and cities are equally hot.

Summer isn't called the Silly Season in the Top End for nothing.
